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Gathering will be held June 28th in Everyone is welcome to come. If you've made one candle or 1 million candles!
The cost is 20.00 PER person. I feel the need to stress PER person. Due to the fact that we have so many inquires, and the room is max-ing out at 72 occupancy, we will be charging for each person that comes. You are free to bring your husbands, but you will have to pay the 20.00 fee for him. If you want to bring you neighbor, that's fine, but you have to pay the $20.00 fee. If you want to bring your child, that's fine, but you have to pay the $20.00 fee. Suppliers fee this year is the same as attendees. If you plan to attend or sell and you are a supplier, please email me. I will have a separate email group for suppliers. This years cut off date to pay registration fee is JUNE 1st and is limited to the first 70 registrations fees that I receive. AFTER JUNE 1st, there will be a 5.00 late registration fee for a grand total of 25.00. You may send payment in anytime before JUNE 1st. I suggest payment early if you are sure you are coming. You may pay me with paypal at I stated I have over 80 people on the list, and that only includes them! Some do require more than 1 reservation! GET YOUR MONEY IN EARLY! To date, we have 36 people paid! Whew, glad that is out of the way!
What your $20.00 fee includes: Not only does it cover you lunch, it helps with the cost of decorations, rental for the hall, and any fees that I incur from paypal when I take reservations.
We WILL be co-oping again this year- Co-oping means we pick out
several suppliers and bulk buy from them. You send your order and the money order to
me, and I place all orders as one big order. Co-op cut off will be JUNE 1st as well! This usually
gets us a fairly good discount, and saves us all on shipping.
I will separate the orders, and they will be ready for pick up at the
gathering. There are a few changes this year with cooping. I will
NOT split any pound bottles up. You may order less than a pound, but
you will have to pay the regular price for that amount. I will also be
adding on 1.00 to every co-op order for each supplier that you co-op
from. I
will only accept money orders for co-ops this year.
I ran into many problems with waiting periods for out of state checks, and
trying to figure out the processing fee for Paypal was a nightmare!
This year we're keepin' it simple! Last year we did TV Guilfoil, KY, Steve's, & Tradewinds.
I will be looking into a jar co-op this year, from a company I found in
The agenda for the gathering is quite flexible right now. A quick rundown of what to expect: A meet & greet session. Demonstrations of some sort. Suppliers hour. Lunch. Door prizes. A used goods sale. And some kind of contest for the most creative product idea. There will be more, I just don't know what yet ;)
What demonstrations will we have? So far we will have a soap petal demonstration from Brenda Sievers from "Oak Court Creations" If you are interested in doing a demo of some type, or have something you would like to see demonstrated, please email me. Keep in mind, that we must keep it fairly simple. What suppliers will be there? Of course this is subject to
change, but I have a few that have said they will definitely be there, and
some that are very interested, and expect to come. Jeff and his wife
Heather from formally "That makes scents"
WILL be there again. He will be doing an informative speech of some
type! Brenda from " OK GUYS! I think that's it for now. If you have any questions, please email me, or feel free to call. I appreciate any suggestions you may have.
(330)455-4486 1110 Maryland Ave
SW |